- David Delgado got a «JAE-INTRO fellowship from CSIC.
- The student David Delgado got a «Iniciacion a la Investigación» fellowship from University of Seville to work on SGs
- Rafael Rubio Ramos got a «JAE-INTRO fellowship from CSIC.
- Emilio Gutierrez-Beltran give a Plenary Talk at Plant Biology meeting in Savannah, Georgia, USA.
- Rafael Rubio Ramos got a «Iniciacion a la Investigación» fellowship from University of Seville.
- Co-editor in a Focus Issue (FI) on Biomolecular Condensates in The Plant Cell. link: Biomolecular condensate FI
- Editorial board of The Plant Cell as a editor. link: Guest editor
Some of the news released from the EMBO publication:
- Plants’ reaction to stress (AAAS) link: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/93596
- Study provides vital information on how plants manage stress (AZO life Science) link: https://www.azolifesciences.com/news/20211125/Study-provides-vital-information-on-how-plants-manage-stress.aspx
- Researchers Gain New Insight into Plants’ Reaction to Stress link: https://www.labmanager.com/news/plants-reaction-to-stress-27235
- Cómo reaccionan las plantas ante el estrés (Cataluya Vanguardista) link: https://www.catalunyavanguardista.com/como-reaccionan-las-plantas-ante-el-estres/
- Un estudio de la Universidad de Sevilla analiza la reacción de las plantas ante el estrés (Europa Express) link: https://www.europapress.es/andalucia/sevilla-00357/noticia-estudio-universidad-sevilla-analiza-reaccion-plantas-estres-20210928154540.html
- Co-editor in a special issue of Plant Stress Granules (SGs) in Frontiers Plant Science
link: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/15535/biology-of-stress-granules-in-plants
- ¿Y si hablamos de los malditos transgénicos? (El Diario de Sevilla, 2019, a Spanish newspaper)
- Talk in Pint of Science 2019: ¿Y si hablamos de los malditos transgénicos? (Spanish).
- Is it a good time to talk about GMOs? (El Diario, a Spanish newspaper): ¿Es un buen momento para los transgénicos? (Spanish).
- Talk in the European Researchers‘ Night 2018: Uso de la biotecnología vegetal como herramienta para aumentar la producción agrícola (Spanish).
- Meeting with project officers from European Commission (Research Executive Agency): El cicCartuja recibe a miembros de la Comisión Europea (Spanish).
- Emilio is granted with a Marie Curie fellowship (H2020-MSCA-IF, Spanish).